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Thursday 2 October 2014

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Photographer Couple Logs Travel Adventures Kiss-by-Kiss


Capturing life with your significant other can be tricky, especially if one person is always behind the lens. Photographers Kendrick Brinson and David Walter Banks are documenting their happy memories in a creative way. Whenever they travel to a new place, they photograph themselves locking lips in the same signature pose.

"David and I have so many photos of each other...but this little pose documents a tiny happy memory of a beautiful place we went and we both appear in it for a change," Brinson tells Mashable. Even professional photographers can find themselves in a vacation photo rut. 

The couple originally met at the University of Georgia where they both studied photojournalism. While the two were friends all through their college career, they didn't start dating until after graduation, and married in 2012. A year ago, the couple left their jobs at local newspapers in Atlanta to become commercial photographers in Los Angeles.

Since they're always on the go, Brinson and Banks never plan out their pose. "The camera is usually balanced on a bench or rock or trash can and then set on self-timer. We've had the foresight to use a tripod only once or twice because it's usually a spur-of-the-moment inclination," says Brinson.

The couple's amorous photo series has also inspired their Instagram followers to capture the pose themselves with the hashtag #BrinsonandBanksing. "It's so funny to think it was all a happy accident that turned into a fun little side project...As long as David's back holds out, we hope to do it until my hair is gray." 

Fans can see more photos of the couple's romantic photo op on their website or on Instagram.
  • 1. Cadillac Ranch, Amarillo, Texas

  • 2. Los Angeles, California

  • 3. A field in Kansas

  • 4. Puerto Rico

  • 5. Salvation Mountain in California

  • 6. The boardwalk, Santa Cruz, California

  • 7. Vancouver, Canada

  • 8. Pyramid Lake, Nevada



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